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Events Seminars Press Assises des Risques naturels 2017 RHUM-RUM workshop 2016 Caldera Collapse Workshop 2010 Assises des Risques naturels 2006
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Research Water & sediments Active volcanism Plumbing system Mantle dynamics Preferential injection zones at La Réunion Rift zones of Piton de la Fournaise determined from the density maps computed fro
Research Water & sediments Active volcanism Plumbing system Mantle dynamics Dynamics of Piton de la Fournaise Eruption dynamics of basaltic volcanoes is mostly characterized by the opening of eruptive
Research Water & sediments Active volcanism Plumbing system Mantle dynamics Plume imaging The volcano island of La Réunion is one of the strongest candidates worldwide for a hotspot underlain by a dee
Staff Permanent Associates & Post-docs PhD Former colleagues Julie Jeanpert Alicia Gonzalez Guilhem Barruol
Research Water & sediments Active volcanism Plumbing system Mantle dynamics Created with GIMP Critical Zone Observatory : ERORUN The hydrological observatory EroRUN federates long term monitorings of
Staff Permanent Anthony Finizola Vincent Famin Fabrice Fontaine Jean-Lambert Join Geneviève Lebeau Laurent Michon Associates & Post-docs PhD Former colleagues Le trombinoscope Jean-Lambert Join Vincen
Staff Permanent Associates & Post-docs Claude Smutek Loraine Gourbet Bhavani Benard Elisa J. Rindraharisaona PhD Former colleagues
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